Exploring the Facts: What is Alkaline Water? The FACTS

If you're considering buying an alkaline water product like a bottle, pitcher, or dispenser, it's essential to know what you're getting into. This guide is designed to help you make an informed decision and find the best alkaline water product that suits your needs and preferences. You will find the answers some of the most common questions, including what alkaline water is and the science behind it.

What is Alkaline Water?

Simply put, alkaline water refers to water that has a pH level greater than 7. The pH scale measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance, with 0 being the most acidic and 14 being the most alkaline. Regular tap water typically has a pH level between 6.5 and 8.5, while alkaline water products often aim for a pH level between 8.5 and 9.5.

alkaline water uk

The Science Behind Alkaline Water

Now that you know what alkaline water is let's delve into how it works. The idea behind consuming alkaline water is that it helps balance the pH levels in your body, which in turn can offer various health benefits. Our body works best when the pH levels are slightly alkaline, with a range of 7.2-7.4 being ideal. Too much acidity in the body can cause inflammation and lead to diseases. Drinking alkaline water helps to neutralize the acidity and bring your body to a more alkaline state.

alkaline water machine

Explanation of pH levels & How Alkaline Water Differs from Regular Water

pH levels: As mentioned earlier, pH measures the acidity or alkalinity of a substance. The pH levels range from 0 to 14, with 0 being the most acidic, 14 being the most acidic and alkaline components, and 7 indicating neutrality.

How Alkaline Water Differs from Regular Water

Alkaline water differs from regular water based on its high pH* level. While regular water has a neutral pH of around 7, alkaline water has a higher pH, usually between 8.5 and 9.5. This higher pH level is achieved by the addition of minerals that help neutralize the acidity in the water and make it more alkaline.

In conclusion, alkaline water has gained popularity for its potential health benefits and balancing effects on the body's pH levels. The science behind alkaline water and its benefits can help you make an informed decision when buying an alkaline water product that fits your needs.

alkaline water benefits

Potential Health Benefits

Alkaline water has been touted by some as having numerous health benefits, including promoting hydration, antioxidant properties, and balancing the body's pH. While research on alkaline minerals is still limited and more studies are needed, it's essential to understand the potential benefits of alkaline water.

acid base balance

Hydration and Antioxidant Properties


Staying hydrated is vital to maintaining a healthy body. Alkaline water may help promote hydration by being absorbed more readily into the body, which is thought to be due to its lower surface tension than regular water. Alkaline water may also contain essential minerals such as calcium and magnesium, which can have a positive effect on hydration and overall bone health.

Antioxidant Properties

One of the potential benefits of alkaline water is its antioxidant properties. Antioxidants help fight damage caused by free radicals in the body, which can contribute to aging and disease. Some early studies have suggested that alkaline water may have higher antioxidant activity than regular water, but more research is needed to confirm these findings.

regulates blood pressure

How to Choose the Right Alkaline Water

Choosing the right alkaline water product can be overwhelming, especially with the numerous options available in the market. Below are some key considerations to keep in mind when selecting the best alkaline water for your needs.

Considerations When Buying Alkaline Water

Bottle Material

One of the first things to consider when selecting an alkaline water product is the material of the bottle. Common materials include glass, stainless steel, and BPA-free plastic. Glass and stainless steel are durable and reusable but can be heavy to carry around. BPA-free plastic is lightweight and convenient but can release harmful chemicals if not made with high-quality materials.

pH Levels

Alkaline water products generally have pH levels between 8.5 and 9.5. However, it's important to note that some brands may falsely advertise their pH levels. Check the product testing certification or consult with a professional to ensure the advertised pH level is accurate.

Purity and Filtration

Another key consideration when selecting an alkaline water product is its purity and filtration. Some brands may not provide adequate filtration, which can lead to impurities and unhealthy contaminants in the water. Choose an alkaline water product with a reliable filtration system to ensure purity and quality.


The taste of alkaline water can also vary based on factors like the pH level and added minerals. Some people prefer a more neutral taste, while others enjoy the distinct mineral flavor. Consider a product that aligns with your taste preferences.

In conclusion, when choosing the right alkaline water product, it's essential to consider factors such as bottle material, pH levels, purity filtration, and taste. Select a reputable brand with thorough testing and certification of its product and health claims, to ensure the best possible experience.

Natural vs. Artificial Alkaline Water

When it comes to alkaline water, there are two types to consider: natural and artificial. Understanding the difference and the potential pros and cons can help you decide which is right for you.

artificial alkaline water

Understanding the Difference

Natural alkaline water is derived from sources such as springs or glaciers that are naturally rich in minerals, including calcium, magnesium, and potassium. These minerals help neutralize the acidity in the water and raise drinking water to its alkalinity level.

Artificial alkaline water, on the other hand, is normal drinking water undergoes a chemical process in which minerals are added to regular water to increase its pH level and alkalinity.

Pros and Cons of Each Type

Natural Alkaline Water


Naturally rich in minerals that can provide additional health benefits

Generally considered safe

Eco-friendly since it doesn't require additional processing


Limited availability since it occurs naturally in specific geographic locations

Expensive to source and transport

Quality and purity can vary depending on the source

Artificial Alkaline Water


Widely available for purchase both in stores and online

Affordable compared to natural alkaline water

Consistency in pH levels and alkalinity


Some brands may use low-quality additives to raise the pH level artificially

May not provide the same health benefits as natural alkaline water

The minerals used to add to the water may not be easily absorbed by the body

In conclusion, both natural and artificial alkaline water offer their own potential pros and cons when it comes to health benefits and convenience. Ultimately, your decision should be based on your personal preferences and priorities. Be sure to do your research and choose a reputable brand to ensure the best quality and experience.

high blood pressure  alkaline ionized water

Frequently Asked Questions About Alkaline Water

Is alkaline water safe to drink?

Yes, alkaline water is generally considered safe to drink. However, it's important to keep a balanced diet and not solely rely on alkaline water for all of your hydration needs. If you have any concerns or specific health conditions, consult a healthcare professional before making significant changes to your alkaline water consumption or habits.

Can I make my own alkaline water at home?

Yes, you can make your own alkaline water at home using various methods such as water ionizers, pH drops, or baking soda.

However, the quality and pH levels may not be as consistent as store-bought alkaline water, and homemade alkaline water may not have the same filtration and purity standards.

How much alkaline water should I drink per day?

There is no one-size-fits-all answer, as the amount of alkaline water you should drink depends on factors like your body weight, activity level, and individual hydration needs.

A general guideline is to aim for at least 8 cups (64 ounces) of water per day, which can include alkaline water as part regular drinking water part of your daily intake. Remember to listen to your body and adjust accordingly.

Can drinking alkaline water help with acid reflux?

Some anecdotal evidence suggests that alkaline water may help neutralize stomach acid and alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. However, scientific research in this area is limited, and more studies are needed to confirm these claims.

If you suffer from acid reflux, it's best to consult your healthcare professional for personalized advice.

Can alkaline water improve athletic performance?

There is some evidence to suggest that alkaline water may help improve athletic performance by enhancing hydration and reducing the buildup of lactic acid in the muscles. However, further research is needed to fully understand the relationship between alkaline water and athletic performance.

It's essential to maintain a balanced diet and proper hydration to support your athletic endeavors.

 Is alkaline water just a fad, or is it here to stay?

While the popularity of alkaline water has certainly increased in recent years, it's not just a passing trend. Many people have experienced benefits from incorporating alkaline water into their daily routines, and as more research is conducted, the potential benefits and uses of alkaline water may continue to expand. As with any health trend, it's essential to stay informed and make choices that are best for your individual needs.

carbon dioxide  hydrochloric acid

The Final Verdict | Summarising Key Takeaways

The Final Verdict

Now that you have a better understanding of alkaline water, its potential health benefits, and considerations when choosing the right alkaline water product, let's summarise the key takeaways and make some recommendations.

Summarising Key Takeaways

Alkaline water has a higher pH level than regular water and may offer various potential health benefits such as promoting hydration, providing antioxidant properties, and balancing the body's pH levels.

There are two types of alkaline water: natural, derived from mineral-rich sources, and artificial, made by adding minerals to regular water.

When choosing an alkaline water product, consider factors such as bottle material, pH levels, purity and filtration, and taste.


In today's market, there are various options available for drinking water, each with its own unique qualities that contribute to overall quality. The taste, mineral content, and presence of chemical, microbial contaminants, and heavy metals are some essential factors to consider while choosing the right water for consumption. Alkaline water stands out as an option to consider due to its distinct characteristics. Many people, including myself, enjoy drinking alk water not only for its potential health benefits but also for its smooth taste. Additionally, after a sweaty workout, it can be a refreshing alternative to regular tap water.