Dry January

Are you considering doing Dry January this year?

 Well, we've got some good news for you; alkaline water can help make the process a lot easier and more enjoyable.

Dry January is an initiative started by Alcohol Change UK.

Alkaline Water and Dry January: How to Hydrate Better.

Many of us are familiar with the idea of doing a “Dry January” to reset our habits after the holiday season. But did you know that there is another way to make the most out of your dry month? Drinking alkaline water can help you hydrate better and get more out of your dry January; let’s look at how.

Why Choose to do Dry January?

Dry January is an initiative started by Alcohol Change UK, which encourages abstaining from alcohol for at least one month in the new year. There are numerous benefits to doing this, including giving your body a break from alcohol, breaking old habits, and getting back on track with healthier lifestyle choices. Additionally, it can be beneficial to give your liver a break by abstaining from alcohol for at least one month each year.

“ ...alkaline water has been found to be more hydrating than regular tap water... ”

Alkaline water is a type of drinking water that has increased levels of pH. This type of water has numerous health benefits such as supporting digestive health, improving nutrient absorption, and reducing inflammation. Additionally, alkaline water has been found to be more hydrating than regular tap water due to its higher pH levels which increases its ability to be absorbed into cells. It also contains electrolytes like calcium, magnesium and Himalayan pink salt which can help replenish minerals.

Doing a “Dry January” can be an effective way to reset habits after the holiday season. And if you want extra support during your month without alcohol, consider adding alk water into your routine as well! The higher pH levels increase its ability to absorb into cells and replenish lost minerals due to dehydration while providing additional health benefits as well. So next time you plan on doing a dry month challenge, remember that alkaline water can help you hydrate better!